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Sept. 23, 2018 Store is Officially Open for Business to be cont...

Sept. 23, 2019, to present continued...

I spent most of my working life, working very hard to make a reputation of being a very hard worker when I built - up my time, stamina, and bank account, the C.E.O. would lay me off, for their stocks to go up. This happens to many times, so I bought my own business so I can help my customers save money, have great products, and do great things with My Business for the rest of my life, if GOD allows it, I hope for as long as I live...           

  How ( Hand Tools N Accessories ) Grows, and give back to the Community.

After the bills are paid, then my mom gets paid back, then we will see how far we can go with the world? Yes, that is going to be a whole lot of wonderful fun? 

I have spent all of my working life making CEO's very wealthy, and then get laid off, so I decided to become a CEO myself. Oh boy, I finally get to pay it forward and give back to the (#1) my Community) that I was part of my whole life. 

I plan to make a very strong, and very effective and efficient store to be around for many years to come, Sept. 23, 2019, and continuing... till my relatives get a hold of the store?

Life does move on. 


I plan to donate to the churches of the world, to help the world out, because someone has to do something about the world, If the bill makers do not help, I will help.

I can help, one person at a time, life under GOD will be good. 

I have a 70 hour a week job, with very little time for myself, so I am continually trying to up-date and always working on my business, it is very hard to revise something when you are half asleep all the time.    

When I finally get my business going, it will be helping people out with their problems, and to find a product or products that will solve the problem, or find a way to solve that problem, if, at all possible, it will be done.

Sept. 29, 2019...

 Between the world, and My Business, we can solve the world's problems, one person at a time. Then we all can enjoy life until the next problem arrives to solve it also, and so on, and so on...      

I am trying to split my time between 66 hours at work, and my business, I am still trying to help everyone around the world. I love fixing things and solving problems for all of us.   

Oct. 13, 2019... 

I am now permanent for a month and a half, my pay went up and I have been refining my business so my business will run while I am at work. When my business makes enough to pay-off my bills, I am doing my business full time.

Jan. 26, 2020...

June 20, 2020... life moves onward.

I am permanent for 6 months have had a raise, and still having fun with my business, helping my friends of the World out of our pickle, that the bill makers put us in. one day we as a people, will rise up and make the bill makers work for a living making life better for us, not just them. The bill makers are not the world, we are all the world together all of us.          




1 comment

  • Good luck with your Bus

    Raymond Daller Jr

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